
Archive for the ‘Contoh Surat’ Category

Bagi seorang Advokat/ Pengacara � Penasihat Hukum atau bagi mereka yang bekerja di dunia hukum dalam mempelajari suatu kasus hukum membuat Legal Opinion (pendapat hukum) adalah suatu hal yang mutlak karena dengan legal opinion kita dapat menganalisis suatu perkara dengan cepat dalam hal waktu dan biaya tentunya.

Adapun prinsip praktis dari pembuatan legal opinion adalah untuk menjadi panduan taktis advokasi dalam suatu perkara hukum. Diharapkan dengan adanya legal opinion, langkah maupun pengembangan advokasi suatu perkara tidak akan terpancing permainan �pihak lawan� atau agar tidak terlalu mengembang keluar dari koridor hukum yang ada.

Sebagai panduan praktis sudah barang tentu kesempurnaan bukanlah tujuan utama. Ringkasnya, � wajar saja dalam pembuatan legal opinion ada kesalahahan analisa hukum atau penafsiran suatu pranata hukum. Hal ini dapat dimaklumi karena memang dinamika advokasi perkara hukum tidak dapat diprediksi secara tepat dan cepat. Dalam hal ini sudah seharusnya kita berdiskusi dengan mereka yang telah, pernah atau yang menguasai suatu perkara hukum. Ingat � ilmu hukum adalah ilmu sosial dimana selalu ada pendapat lain dalam suatu sudut pandang.

Walaupun demikian bukan berarti pula kita membuat legal opinion dengan asal-asalan terlebih-lebih dicampuri dengan logika pribadi. Sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuannya, legal opinion adalah penulisan pendapat seseorang atas suatu permasalahan hukum yang didasarkan pada aturan dan pranata hukum yang berlaku.

Penguasaan materi teori dan regulasi merupakan hal yang utama disamping juga penguasaan penafsiran pasal demi pasal hukum. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama bahwa tidak semua penjelasan dalam pasal hukum memuat kalimat penjelasan yang tepat dan ringkas. Terkadang si penyusun undang-undang menganggap sudah cukup bahwa kalimat dalam pasal hukum tidak perlu lagi dijelaskan dalam bagian penjelasan undang-undang.

Secara prinsip, suatu legal opinion sekurang-kurangnya harus memuat 5 w 1 h (what, where, who, when, why dan how). Yang keseluruhannya tertuang dalam 3 rangka tulisan, yakni :

a. Kronologis Kasus/ Perkara,


b.Legal Opinion (dalam rangka ini harus memuat prinsip-prinsip, teori atau regulasi yang terkait dengan perkara), dan


c. Solusi Hukum (rangka tulisan ini memuat rencana taktis advokasi perkara yang akan dilakukan).

Mudah kan ???

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1.1. Latar Belakang Masalah

Peranan pemasaran dalam keberhasilan perusahaan telah diakui di kalangan pengusaha untuk mempertahankan keberadaanya dalam mengembangkan usaha dan mendapatkan keuntungan. Dengan semakin banyaknya jumlah dan jenis produk yang masuk ke pasaran untuk dijual yang pada akhirnya akan menimbulkan masalah baru bagi perusahaan, misalnya dengan tumbuhnya persaingan yang semakin ketat antara perusahaan dalam memasarkan hasil produksinya. Salah satu ukuran keberhasilan perusahaan dalam persaingan yang semakin ketat ini adalah dengan diperolehnya laba melalui peningkatan penjualan.

Peningkatan volume penjualan dari suatu perusahaan ditunjang dengan adanya program-program pemasaran yang sebaik-sebaiknya yaitu menyangkut semua aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan arus barang dari produsen sampai konsumen.

Untuk melaksanakan fungsi-fungsi pemasaran tersebut maka kegiatan saluran distribusi barang dari produsen ke konsumen dengan tepat dan efisien merupakan salah satu kegiatan dalam mencapai tujuan, di samping kegiatan-kegiatan lainnya.

Tujuan dari kegiatan saluran distribusi barang yang dijalankan oleh perusahaan tidak lain untuk memberi kemudahan kepada konsumen

sehingga konsumen dapat dengan mudah memenuhi kebutuhannya. Ada empat macam saluran distribusi yang dapat digunakan untuk mencapai pemakaian industri adalah :

a. Produsen-Pemakai Industri

b. Produsen-Distribusi Industri-Pemakai Industri

c. Produsen –Agen-Pemakai Industri

d. Produsen-Agen-Distributor Industri-Pemakai Industri.

Setiap perusahaan tentunya berbeda-beda dalam memilih saluran distribusi karena harus memperhatikan berbagai macam factor antara lain, menyangkut pertimbangan pemasaran, pertimbangan barang, pertimbangan perantara.

Berdasarkan atas pentinya peranan distribusi dalam pencapaian target penjualan yang maksimal maka penulis mengambil judul “ANALISA PENGARUH DISTRIBUTOR TERHADAP PENINGKATAN VOLUME PENJUALAN PADA PERUSAHAAN XXXX DI XXXX.

1.2. Perumusan Masalah

Perusahaan XXXmerupakan salah satu industry yang usahanya dari waktu ke waktu mengalami perkembangan yang pesat, ini dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan jumlah produksi dari perusahaan tersebut. Perusahaan di dalam menghadapi persaingan dari perusahaan lain maka untuk mencapai target penjualan yang optimal perlu sebaiknya melakukan strategi-strategi dengan menempatkan agen penjualan di

berbagai tempat sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan pelayanan pada konsumen.

Berdasarkan dari pemikiran tersebut, maka penulis ingin mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh distributor dalam mencapai peningkatan volume penjualan pada XXX?.

1.3. Batasan Masalah

Penelitian ini dibatasi pada masalah saluran distribusi semua jenis produk genteng dari XXX dalam mencapai target penjualan.

1.4. Tujuan Penelitian

a. Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh distributor dalam mencapai target penjualan.

b. Untuk mengetahui apakah pengaruh distributor tersebut merupakan alternative terbaik dan efektif dalam mencapai target penjualan pada XXX.

1.5. Manfaat Penelitian

a. Bagi Penulis

Sebagai alat untuk mempraktekkan teori-teori yang telah diperoleh selama di bangku kuliah sehingga penulis dapat menambah pengetahuan secara praktis tentang masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan.

b. Bagi XXX.

Hasil penelitian ini dapat membantu perusahaan dalam menentukan kebijaksanaan bagi distributor pada khususnya dan dalam mencapai target penjualan pada umumnya.

c. Bagi Pihak lain

Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangan pemikiran dan sebagai referensi bagi peneliti lain yang melakukan penelitian serupa.

1.6. Hipotesa

Hipotesa adalah kesimpulan yang bersifat sementara yang ada dalam perumusan masalah. Berdasarkan penilaian sementara dari penulis, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan yaitu bahwa distributor dapat mempengaruhi volume penjualan perusahaan.

1.7. Metode Penelitian

a. Obyek Penelitian


b. Jenis Data

1. Data primer

Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian secara langsung terhadap obyek.

2. Data Sekunder

Data yang diperoleh dengan membaca buku-buku yang berhubungan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan.

c. Metode Pengumpulan Data

1. Observasi

Observasi adalah pengumpulan data dengan cara pengamatan secara langsung terhadap obyek penelitian.

2. Wawancara atau interview

Mengadakan wawancara secara langsung dengan berbagai pihak yang terkait, yang dapat memberikan data-data yang diperlukan.

3. Dokumentasi

Dokumentasi adalah pengumpulan data melalui catatan perusahaan yang berhubungan dengan masalah penelitian.

1.8. Metode Analisa Data

Di dalam analisa data digunakan dua metode analisa data yaitu :

a. Analisa kualitatif

Yaitu analisis yang dilakukan dengan membaca table grafik atau angka-angka yang ada, kemudian dilakukan interpretasi yang dilandasi teori yang ada hubungannya dengan masalah yang dibahas.

b. Analisa kuantitaif

Yaitu analisis yang menggunakan alat pengukur statistic seperti analisa regresi linier berganda, analisa standar error of estimate uji

regresi serentak, analisa koefisien determinasi, analisa koefisien korelasi berganda, analisis koefisien korelasi parsial.

1. Analisa regresi linier berganda

Analisa regresi linier berganda merupakan suatu analisa untuk mengetahui sejauh mana hubungan antara dua variable atau lebih, dimana volume penjualan sebagai variable tidak bebas dengan biaya distribusi sebagai variable bebas.

Analisa ini dipergunakan untuk mengetahui kegiatan distribusi yang paling efektif terhadap kenaikan volume penjualan yang diperlukan untuk masing-masing variable di dalamnya.

Rumusnya :

Y = b0 + b1. X1 + b2. X3 + ……..+ bk. Xk

Dimana :

Y  : Variabel yang besarnya tergantung harga X1. X2. ….Xk

X1  : Biaya distribusi tidak langsung

X2  : Biaya distribusi langsung

b0  : Biaya konstanta

b1,b2…bk : Koefisien regresi.

Dengan menyelesaikan secaras serentak maka susunan persamaannya sebagai berikut:

b1 =  212221112221…xxxxxxyxxyx

b2 =  b0 =  2212221211212…xxxxxxyxxyx2211xbxbY

2. Analisa standar error of estimate

Analisa standar error of estimate adalah standar penyimpangan dari variable bebas (Y) terhadap garis regresinya.

Rumus :1 =  Dimana : n : banyaknya sampel k : banyaknya variable X untuk mengetahui  harus dihitung terlebih dahulu estimasi penjualan (Y) atau dengan kata lain harus dihitung Y dengan menggunakan persamaan regresinya.  21xyxSknYY1)(22)(YY

1 Ibid. hal. 132.

3. Uji koefisien regresi secara parsial

Pengujian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh keterandalan masing-masing koefisien regresi (b1 dan b2) sebagai penaksir harga (β1 dan β2).

Pengujian terhadap β1 dapat diartikan sebagai penguji signifikan tidaknya hubungan antara variable X1 terhadap Y. pengujian β2 dapat diartikan sebagai penguji signifikan tidaknya hubungan antara X2 terhadap Y.

a. Uji β1

1. Ho : β1 = 0

HA : β1 ≠ 0

2. Menghitung harga t hitung

3. Di dalam pengujian ini digunakan α 5%

4. Gambar :

5. Kesimpulan

b. Uji β2

1. Ho : β2 = 0

HA : β2 = 0

2. Menghitung harga t hitung

3. Di dalam pengujian ini digunakan α 5%

4. Gambar

5. Kesimpulan

4. Uji koefisien regresi serentak

Koefisien regresi serentak merupakan pengujian yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi seberapa jauh masing-masing biaya distribusi dapat mempengaruhi penjualan. Adapun kegunaan uji koefisien regresi serentak untuk memastikan apakah masing-masing biaya distribusi mempengaruhi volume penjualan.

Rumus :


JKT : Jumlah kuadrat total

JKR : Jumlah kuadrat regresi

JKS : Jumlah kuadrat sisa

Persamaan dari uji koefisien regresi serentak.

JKT = ∑ y2

JKR = b1 ∑ yx1+ b2 ∑ yx1

JKS = ∑ y2-(b1∑yx1+b2∑yx1)

Sedangkan harga derajat kebebasan untuk masing-masing elemen

dkr = k

dks = n-1-k

dkt = n-1


KRR  = dkrJKR

KRS  = dksJKS


Dimana :

KRR : Kuadrat Rerata Regresi

KRS : Kuadrat Rerata Simpangan

Fh : Harga Statistik F

Dalam pegujian ini digunakan taraf signifikan α 5%.

5. Analisa koefisien determinasi

Analisa koefisien determinasi merupakan koefisien yang memasukkan seberapa besar peranan factor X dalam menentukan besarnya Y. Ukuran determinan ini dinyatakan dalam prosentase dimana koefisien yang mendekati 1 menunjukkan bahwa antara X dan Y mempunyai hubungan yang dekat.

Notasi korelasi dinyatakan dengan “R” untuk korelasi ganda “r” untuk korelasi parsial dan untuk koefisien determinasi diberi notasi “R2”.

Rumus :


6. Analisa koefisien korelasi ganda

Analisa koefisien korelasi ganda merupakan analisa yang mengukur keterikatan antara volume penjualan dengan biaya distribusi. Analisa ini digunakan untuk mengetahui derajat hubungan volume penjualan dengan kegiatan distribusi.

Rumus :


Menjadi :


7. Analisa koefisien korelasi parsial

Analisa koefisien korelasi parsial merupakan suatu analisis untuk mengetahui hubungan antara volume penjualan dengan masing-masing biaya distribusi diukur secara terpisah dengan menganggap variable lain tetap.

Analisa ini digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara volume penjualan dengan variable bebas dengan biaya distribusi sebagai variable tidak bebas.

Rumus :

a. Koefisien korelasi antara volume penjualan (Y) dengan biaya distribusi tak langsung (X1) dimana biaya distribusi langsung (X2) kontanta :


b. Koefisien korelasi antara volume penjualan (Y) dengan biaya distribusi langsung (X2) dimana biaya distribusi tak langsung (X1) kontanta :


8. Uji koefisien korelasi parsial

Secara parsial koefisien antara X1, X2 dan y dipengaruhi oleh besarnya harga b1 dan b2. Dapat disimpulkan pengujian terhadap koefisien regresi b1 berarti pengujian terhadap ry1.2 dan pengujian terhadap b2 berati pengujian terhadap ry2.1. Dari data yang telah diketahui dapat dihitung uji koefisien parsial sebagai berikut :

Rumus :

a. Uji terhadap ry1.2

1) Ho : ry1.2 = 0

HA : ry1.2 ≠ 0

2) Menghitung harga statistic


3) Di dalam pengujian ini digunakan α 5% maka harga df = 2 diperoleh t table ± 4,303.

4) Gambar

5) kesimpulan

b. Uji terhadap ry2.1

1) Ho : ry2.1 = 0

HA : ry2.1 ≠ 0

2) Menghitung harga statistic


3) Di dalam pengujian ini digunakan α 5% maka harga df = 2 diperoleh t table ± 4,303.

4) Gambar

5) Kesimpulan

1.9. Sistematika Penulisan

Bab I Pendahuluan

Uraian tentang latar belakang masalah, perumusan masalah, batasan masalah, tujuan penelitian, manfaat penelitian, hipotesa.

Bab II Landasan Teori

Uraian mengenai pengertian pemasaran, fungsi-fungsi pemasaran, pengertian marketing mix, pengertian saluran distribusi, lembaga saluran distribusi, pengendalian saluran distribusi.

Bab III Gambaran Umum Perusahaan

Uraian tentang gambaran umum perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan sejarah berdirinya perusahaan dan perkembangannya, produksi, personalis, daerah pemasaran, organisasi perusahaan dan perlaksanaan saluran distribusi.

Bab IV Analisa Data

Uraian tentang analisis data dan pembahasannya dengan menggunakan hasil temuan di lapangan.

Bab V Kesimpulan dan Saran

Uraian tentang ringkasan hasil analisis dan evaluasi data yang akan menjelaskan tentang kesimpulan dan saran untuk diusulkan pada pihak perusahaan sehubungan dengan permasalahan yang dibahas dalam skripsi ini

Daftar Pustaka

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CONTRACT NO. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

CONTRACT DATE: xxxxxxxxxxxx


Total Number of Pages Including Cover and Annexure: 11

This contract made and entered into this xxth of November, 2008 by and between:

BUYER Name            :

Address                       :

Tel                               :

Fax                              :

Email                           :

Represented by           :

Director hereinafter

Referred to as Buyer

WHEREAS Seller agrees to sell and deliver and Buyer agrees to purchase, accept delivery of and pay for coal on terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.



In this Agreement unless the context other wise requires:

  1. “ADB” means Air Dried Basis
  2. “AR” means as Received Basis
  3. “ASTM” means the standards prescribed by American Society fo Testing and Materials.
  4. “Business Day” means the period between the hours of 8 am to 4pm on the day other than Saturday, Sunday or any public holidays.
  5. “Demurrage” means a charge payable in the event the Seller is unable to complete loading a ship within to agree Lay time.
  6. “Dispatch” means the charge payable in the event Seller completes loading the ship before the end of agreed Laytime.
  7. “Kcal/Kg” means kilocalories of energy per kilogram of coal.
  8. “USD”, means (unless otherwise specified) he currency of theUnited States of America.
  9. “Tonne”,”Tons”,”Tonnes”,”MT”, means a metric tonne of 1000 kilograms
  10. “GVC” means the gross caloric value oh the Coal.
  11. “FOBT” means loaded Free on Board the Mother Vessel and Trimmed.
  12. A fraction of a cent in any calculation shall be rounded up to the nearest cent if such fraction is one half of a cent or more, and shall be rounded down when otherwise.
  13. “Pratique” means permission to do business at a port by a ship that has complied with all applicable local health regulations.


Coal deliverable hereunder shall be Indonesia Steam (Non-Cooking) Coal in Bulk from PT


Seller shal deliver and Buyer Shall purchase FOB MV shipments each consisting of 70.000 MT ± 10% for a period of 12 months at VESSEL’S option. The first shipment shall be on a trial basis and on successful completion of this shipment the Buyer shall reconfirm other shipments. The final loadable quantity will be decided by Master of the performing vessel and communicated directly to the Seller via the vessel’s agent inIndonesia.

  1. 2.      ARTICLE 3 – PRICE

3.1 USD 93.00 per Metric Ton (USNinety Three Only) FOB Mother Vessel. Ancorage in South Kalimantan, Indonesia, basis GVC (ADB) 61-6300 Kcal/Kg and Total Moisture (AR) 10%.

3.2  Price shall be reviewed every Three (3) Months from the first shipment which comes first and/or any force majeure or maybe subject to price raises that are beyond the control of the seller. All price increases are to be discussed in a business like manner by both parties prior to a shipment being made.

The parties agree that in the event of the fuel price increase from the Basic Fuel Price then the Price shall be adjusted through this following formula:

PP = {[CFP-BFP] x 10L} + BP


PP     : Purchasing Price per Metric Tons after adjustment (In USD)

BP    : Basic Price

BFP  : Basic Fuel Price

CFP : Current Fuel Price, in this matter shall be the Current monthly Fuel Price granted by the authorized Government Agency in Indonesia (PERTAMINA) which is effective during the sale and purchase transaction.


The Buyer to the Seller shall effect the first shipment immediately after 45 days from the date of opening of L/C.

Exact lay can for each shipment to be mutually discussed and agreed between Buyer and Seller.



5.1  The quality of coal to be supplied hereunder shall be with the following typical specifications determined and analyzed as per ASTM standard by PT Sucofindo/Geoservice,Indonesia. All percentage used refer to percentage by weight.






Total Moisture



> 18%

Inherent Moisture




Ash Content




Volatile Matter




Fixed Carbon


By Difference

Total Sulfur


> 0,32%

> 1%

Gross Caloric Value


6100 – 6300 kcal/kg

Below 6100


HGI (as per ASTM Standard)




0-50 mm

90% min

Seller shall appoint PT Sucofindo/ GeoserviceIndonesia, as surveyors to carry out the sampling and analysis of the sample of the material shipped at the loading port which shall be final and binding on both parties. The surveyor on board the vessel shall draw the samples at the time of loading of the cargo on the mother vessel.

5.2  The method of sampling and analysis shall be determined according to ASTM Standard.

5.3  The costs of inspections for sampling and analysis described in this Article 5.1 shall be borne by the Seller.

5.4  The consignment should be accompanied by certificate of sampling and analysis as per ASTM standard.

5.5  At least 10 days prior to the 1st day oh the loading port lay can, Buyer has the option to appoint an independent inspection agency of his choice, to carry out a pre-shipment stockpile analysis of coal at each jetty from which the barge loading will be carried out. The inspections agency would report the total quantity available for loading, the quality of coal available for loading and also indicate that the seller is holding the cargo in ownership. Nominations of vessel would be subject to readiness of at least 80% of the full shipment size and upon satisfactory reporting by the inspection agency on their pre-shipment inspections/analysis. All costs for this pre-shipment analysis would be borne by the Buyer.

5.6  Buyer shall have an option to appoint an independent inspection agency of his choice as a witness to carry out sampling and analysis at the time of loading.

5.7  One set of raw samples drawn by the surveyors on board the vessel shall be duly sealed and signed by the surveyors and handed over to the witnessing agency before leaving the mother vessel. If required, this sample may be used as the umpire sample, in case of any variation between the quality determined by the surveyor and the witnessing inspection agency.


6.1 The Seller shall appoint PT. Sucofindo/ GeoserviceIndonesia, to determine the  weight of cargo loaded onto the vessel and issue a certification of weight, which shall be final and binding on both parties.

6.2 The certified weight shall be determined by draft survey of the carrying vessel at theLoadingPortutilizing the vessel’s immersion scale of weight.

6.3 A fraction of a ton shall be rounded up if such fraction is not less than one half of one ton, and shall be rounded down otherwise.

6.4 Such quantity as certified by PT Sucofindo/ GeoserviceIndonesia, shall be the basis for determination of the amount payable of the Buyer to the Seller for the shipment.

6.5 The cost of such draft survey shall be borne by the Seller.


In the event the quantity of coal supplied as determined by PT Sucofindo/ GeoserviceIndonesia, may vary from the specification set out in ARTICLES 5 : QUALITY, then adjustment to the invoice shall be made in accordance with the following provisions.

7.1 If the actual Total Moisture (TM) as determined by PT Sucofindo/ GeoserviceIndonesia, at theLoadingPortis in excess of 16% (ARB), and such excess TM shall be deducted from the B/L weight for the purpose of invoicing, as per following formula :

BL Weight x (100 – (Actual TM – 16)

Adjusted Weight =


For actual TM less than 16%, no bonus is applicable

7.2 If the actual Gross Colorific Value (GVC) ADB, as determined by PT Sucofindo/ GeoserviceIndonesia, varies from 6000 kcal/kg, then the price shall be adjusted by the following formula.

FOB Price x Actual GVC

Invoiced Price =


7.3 Ash – A penalty of USD 0.25 per MT shall be applicable for each 1% of Ash above 13% up to 25% fraction pro-rata. BEYOND 25% THE BUYERS RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REJECT THE CARGO.

7.4 Buyers reserve the right to reject the cargo in the event the result of analysis by PT Sucofindo/ GeoserviceIndonesiais found to exceed/ go below the limits specified under the Heading ‘Rejection’ in Clause 5.1 of this contract.



After signing of contract the Buyer shall open Irrevocable at SIGHT at HSBC in favor of the Seller open a Performance Bond in Five (5) bank working days amounting to 3% (Three Percent), of FOB value of contract. The entire shipment value shall be covered by the Irrevocable Letter of credit at sight negotiable against following documents:

  1. One (1) original plus four (4) copies of Seller’s manually signed and stamped Commercial Invoice showing the basis on which the price is calculated in accordance with Clause 5,6, & 7.
  2. Full set of “clean on board” charter party bill of lading consigned to the order of bank and notified applicant-marked freight payable as per charter party.
  3. Manually signed One (1) original plus three (3) copies of certificate of sampling & analysis-issued in accordance with clause 3.
  4. Manually signed One (1) original plus three (3) copies of certificate of weight issued in accordance with clause 6.
  5. Manually signed One (1) original plus two (2) copies of certificate of origin issued by the Indonesia Chamber of Commerce of equivalent Government Authority.
  6. Manually signed One (1) original plus one (1) copy of statement of Draft Survey issued in accordance with clause 6.
  7. A undertaking statement declaring that copy of One (1) set of Negotiable Shipping documents are already sent by fax for Custom and port clearance at the destination, within 5 (five) business days from date of sailing of the vessel.


8.2 All bank charges at SELLER end shall be borne and paid for by SELLER. All bank charges at BUYER end shall be borne and paid for by BUYER.

8.3 TT Reimbursement is allowed

8.4 Charter party Bill of Lading is allowed.

8.6 Third party Document are acceptable, expect bill of exchange and Commercial Invoice.

8.7 Payments should be credited with 3 workings after all documents are submitted in bank.


9.1       Buyer shall nominate the vessel at least fourteen (14) days prior to her ETA at the loading anchorage.

9.2       Coal shall be loaded to buyer’s nominated vessel at the rate of 8,000 MT PWWD SHINC provided the nominated vessel is equipped with minimum 4 x 25 T cranes each fitted with minimum 8 cbm gras. In case of any breakdown occurring with either gear or grabs, the loading rate shall be pro rate on number of cranes and grabs working during such occurrence.

9.3       Lay time shall commence 12 hours after vessel’s agent tendering NOR, unless loading is sooner commenced in which case time actually used for loading shall count as lay time WIPON, WCCON, WIFPON. In the event the seller is not unable to load the cargo upon vessel’s arrival and tendering NOR as above, the seller will bi liable for all consequential losses including demurrage, etc.

9.4       If unable to load the full quantity as decided by the Master of the vessel, the seller be liable for that freight for the quantity short loaded. Such dead freight, if any, shall be adjusted through the L/C and deducted from the invoice value.

9.5       Stevedoring damage – any damage caused by the stevedores at the loading port shall be reported by the Master to the stevedores in writing within 48 hours of such occurrence. The seller shall be responsible for settlement of all stevedoring damage claims at load port directly with the master/ owners and in case of non settlement by the seller, than the buyer shall have the right to adjust the same against the L/C payment by a proper debit note.

9.6       Demurrage/ Dispatch rates per day shall follow the terms and conditions as per relevant charter party. Buyer shall declare the demurrage/ half dispatch rate of the charter party, and the time of vessel nomination. The seller shall be liable to pay to the Buyer all demurrage in respect of the time required to load the vessel in excess of lay time of the rate of the relevant charter party per day (pro-rata) for all time in excess of lay time. The buyer shall be liable to pay to Seller Dispatch in respect of time of lay time saved in loading the vessel at the rate of the rate of the relevant charter party per day (pro-rata). The seller/ buyer (as the case maybe) shall notify the other party by facsimile of amount of Demurrage or Dispatch due at the completion of loading of each shipment.

9.7       Demurrage and dispatch money, under this agreement shall be agreed directly between Buyer and Seller, after completion of loading and issuance of the Statement of facts. Once the vessel is on demurrage, the time on demurrage shall not be subject to any lay time exception, and all time to count for calculation of demurrage. Demurrage/ dispatch calculation shall be made on the basis of ‘Statement of Facts’ signed by the Master/ Owner’s agent at loading point. The seller or the buyer (as the case maybe) shall pay the other Party the Demurrage charge or Dispatch bonus at the loading port within 15 (fifteen) days after completion of loading. The demurrage/ dispatch amount to be settled out of the L/C.

9.8       Notice of Readiness:

Notice of Readiness shall be tendered at the nominated loading port/ anchorage any time day or night Sunday orHolidayinclude (ATDN SHINC) NOR shall be tendered by the master or the vessel’s agents or by chatterers by telex/ fax/ email. NOR is deemed accepted as soon as tendered in accordance with the contract. Master may tender NOR from place of stoppage assigned by the Harbor Master by wire or written notice.

9.9       Buyer shall give notice to Seller at least 7/5/3/2/1 day prior to the expected data of arrival of the nominated vessel suitable for loading at the Anchorage Loading Point.

9.10          Any time lost in waiting for completion of Seller’s export formalities will be to seller’s account.

9.11          The buyer reserves the right to nominated the performing vessel after they have received a certificate an independent surveyor of their choice, at seller’s option certifying at least 80% of the cargo is ready at the jetty (ies), quality is as per contract and that the cargo is being helped in ownership by the seller. Cost of such certification if any will be buyer’s account.

9.12          Seller’s guarantee 1 (one) safe anchorage where the vessel shall always be afloat Seller also guarantee suitable draft at anchorage point for the vessel and for loading the contacted quantity.

9.13          The loading of the vessel shall commerce within 2 days of arrival of the vessel at the load port otherwise the buyer have the right to move the vessel from the load port and forfeit the PB and also reserves the right to claim all damages for diverting the vessel or procuring cargo from other source/s at a higher price.

9.14          The loading should complete within 10 days of the arrival of the vessel at the load port otherwise the buyer has the right to sail the vessel and claim all damages including demurrage and dead freight, if any.



10.1          Title with respect to shipment shall pass on to Buyer when Seller has received whatever payment due to him after adjustment for quality, quantity shortage, dead freight, demurrage stevedoring damages, if any, etc, for each shipment.

10.2          Risk with respect to shipment shall pass to the Buyer when the material passes the ship’s side rail the loading port/ anchorage.


All taxes, duties, levies, dues, etc, of the loaded onto the vessel if any, at the port of loading to be paid by seller and similarly, at the port of unloading shall be to Buyer’s account.


Buyers at their own expense shall reserve the right at any time to observe or airport an observer/representative/third party international agency during mining and stockpiling of the coal for the shipment, sampling and analysis, loading and weighting at the stockpile/jetty/loading port/anchorage for which Sellers shall extend all necessary cooperation.


Buyer shall at his or her own expense, arrange for suitable marine insurance covering for the material shipped by Seller.


Neither party may assign the whole or any part of its rights or obligation under this contract to a third party without the prior consent in writing of the other party.


Either party shall be relieved of its obligations and responsibilities under this contract, if the performance of this Contract is wholly or partially prevented and/ or delayed by act of God and any other causes beyond the control of either party such as Fire, War and Flood. Either party shall promptly give notice to the other party of any force majeure event effecting its obligations under this contract along with documentary evidence and certified by certification of the same from Representative Chamber of Commerce. If such notice is given, the obligations and responsibilities of the party giving such notice as well as the corresponding obligations and responsibilities of the other shall be relieved to the extent made necessary by and during the continuance of force majeure.

In the event that a delay, interruption or failure occurs or is likely to occur, the party directly affected shall promptly notify the other party by cable or telex, and shall also within ten (10) day thereafter notify the other party in writing of particulars of the relevant event and supporting evidence as well as certification from the respective Chamber of Commerce.

The party so affected shall make its best efforts to remove the cause of delay in compliance with its obligations under this Agreement. Upon the removal of the cause of delay, interruption of failure, the party so affected shall notify the other party by cable of telex, and writing within ten (10) day thereafter, of such removal or resolution. Contacting party obligation to perform the contract shall continue to remain in force as soon as the force majeure condition ceases.


All disputes or difference whatsoever arising between the parties out of or relating to the construction, meaning and operation or effect of this Contract or the breach thereof shall be settled by arbitration in Singapore, in accordance with the rules of Arbitration of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the award made in pursue thereof shall be binding on both parties.

The arbitration shall be governed by English law and shall be conducted in English language. The Arbitration shall be borne by the losing party. Should there be no such losing party or winning party as in the case of a compromise, the expense shall be borne by initiating party, except in cases where the Seller and the Buyer agree otherwise on mutual consultation or where the Arbitrator gives a specific Award shall be respected.


The liability of a party in respect of any claim brought by the other party based on failure of the first party to fulfill its obligations under Agreement shall be limited in any event to liability for loss suffered by the by the party aggrieved, excluding loss of profit and anticipated profit and all indirect or consequential loss or damage to the party aggrieved.


No waiver by either of any provision of this Contract shall be binding unless made expressly and expressly confirmed in writing. Further, any such waiver shall relate only to such matter, non- compliance or breach as it expressly relates to and shall not apply to any subsequent or other matter, non-compliance or breach.


This agreement shall be governed by any construed in accordance with English Law and each of the parties hereby submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts ofSINGAPORE.


This agreement is confidential and shall not be disclosed expect to appropriate government Entities unless otherwise.


This contract contains the entire agreement between Buyer and Seller in relation to the sales purchase of coal and supersedes all prior negotiation, understanding and agreements whether written or oral in relation to the contract.


The Seller and the Buyer, respectively, may appoint an agent to perform all or any part of their obligations hereunder. A party that appoints an agent(s) to perform such obligations shall, as soon as is reasonably practicable notify the other Party in writing specifying the name and contract details of the agent(s).

In such event, the Party who was appointed an agent shall be directly and unconditionally responsible to the other Party in all respect as to the acts their agent performed within the scope or agency created.



Buyer’s Bank Information

Bank Name                 :

Address                       :

Telephone                    :

Fax                              :

Account Number        :

SWIFT Code              :

Bank Officer               :

IN THE WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be dully executed as of the day and years first above written.

For and behalf of SELLER                                                   For and behalf of BUYER

………………………….                                                       …………………………….

Sign, Seal and Stamp                                                              Sign, Seal and Stamp

Name:                                                                                      Name:

Position: Director                                                                    Position: Director

Witness for Seller                                                                    Witness for Buyer

………………………                                                                        ……………………..

Name:………………..                                                                        Name:………………

Passport/ID no:………                                                                       Passport/ID no:……..

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Jakarta, 23 April 2008

Kepada Yth.,





Dengan Hormat,

Berdasarkan informasi penerimaan karyawan yang saya dapatkan, maka saya mengajukan lamaran pekerjaan untuk bisa bergabung pada perusahaan ini.

Saya memiliki kondisi kesehatan yang sangat baik, latar belakang pendidikan  saya manajemen. Saya telah terbiasa bekerja dengan menggunakan computer, terutama mengoperasikan aplikasi paket MS Office, seperti Excel, Word, Acces, PowerPoint, OutLook, juga internet, maupun surat-menyurat.

Saya sudah mempunyai pengalaman kerja di beberapa perusahaan, ini sangat membantu untuk menunjang pekerjaan dan kinerja apabila saya di terima di perusahan ini, dan saya bersedia ditempatkan di bagian mana saja sesuai dengan keterampilan saya.

Sebagai bahan pertimbangan, saya lampirkan:

  1. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
  2. Foto copy KTP, SIM C, SIM A
  3. Foto copy Ijazah S 1
  4. Pas foto terbaru

Besar harapan saya untuk diberi kesempatan wawancara, dan dapat menjelaskan lebih mendalam mengenai diri saya. Seperti yang tersirat di resume (riwayat hidup), saya mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman potensi dan seorang pekerja keras.

Demikian saya sampaikan, terima kasih atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu.

Hormat saya,


Riwayat Hidup

Nama                         : xxxxxxxxxx

Tempat/Tgl. Lahir  : xxxxxxxxxx

Alamat                       : xxxxxxxxxx

Telepon                     : xxxxxxxxxx

Agama                       : xxxxxxxxxx

Status                         : xxxxxxxxxx

Pengalaman Kerja 1998–2000                          PT xxxxxxxxxx ,  JakartaSeminar Administration

  • § Persipan Training Kit dan Admin Kit untuk Trainer
  • § Mengatur jadwal dan tempat untuk Training
  • § Pengadaan Brochure, Players, dan Quality Buku Peserta
2001– 2004                         xxxxxxxxxx,  TangerangAccounts Receivable Staff

  • § Bertanggung jawab Piutang dan Audit dengan keuangan
  • § Pembuatan System Inventory Gudang Pabrik dan Sales Order
  • § Memeriksa Komisi Sales dan Freelance
2004–2010                         xxxxxxxxxx , JakartaMarketing Supervisor

  • § Bertanggung jawab membuat stategi pemasaran sesuai dengan target penjualan yang diberikan perusahaan
  • § Bertanggungjawab dari persiapan, pelaksanaan Tender yang akan dilakukan kepada Customer
  • § Bertanggung jawab kepada beberapa sales untuk kegiatan kunjungan kepada customer
Keterampilan Mamahami Strategi Dunia Pemasaran Online & Offline, pembuatan website, microsoft office, jaringan komputer, install program software dan hadware dan mempunyai database industri sejabotabek.

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To: From:
Fax: No:
Phone: Date:
Attn: Re:  Quotation

Thank you for your inquiry and we are pleased to submit  our Best Quotation as follows:            









Terms And Conditions:

  • Price is quoted in Rupiah ( IDR ), Excluded VAT 10%
  • Delivery Time          : 3 Days, after receipt PO
  • Delivery Point          : Franco to Jabotabek
  • Payment Terms      : One Months after receipt invoice
  • Size                                    : Full Warranty

Trust the above subject will meet your requirement, should you have any requirements please do not hesitate to contact our office and we are looking forward to receive your valuable order.

Best Regards,





Our Product : xxxxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxx all the product 100 % money back guarantee

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